Monday, January 28, 2013

Best Practices

OH MAN - It's been too long. 

For my internship with ARAMARK, I am working on my final product, which I will turn in at the end of February when my formal internship comes to an end.  I say formal because ARAMARK in Providence Schools has been kind enough to offer for me to stay on here until I am offered a full-time position or until my lease is up in Providence, whichever comes first.  

OKAY enough personal.  So for my final case study, I have decided to focus on my recycling projects.  I have put together Best Practices and How-To guides for recycling in K-12 schools.  These guides include Recycling in the Kitchen, Recycling in the School and Recycling for Custodians.  I am working on others that will include Hazardous Waste Diversion and Recycling Competitions.  

Besides these programs, my final product for the accounts will be an Environmental Initiatives in Rhode Island Schools brochure that highlights all of the initiatives that ARAMARK has worked on in the Rhode Island school districts.  I have the outline finished for the brochure, but am working on filling in the guts and data.  

Here's a sneak peek of the brochure:

If you are interested in best practices guides for recycling in schools, I believe that my guides will be helpful for schools, administrators, custodians, food services, and even students and parents.  Please send me a note and I can share them with you! 

You can email me at